The classroom

In this post, I would like to share my sentiments about our lecture lab, which I would like to call as our classroom. My reflection would be on the factors of the class, the members and of course; the attitude of the class.

I have to admit I am not one of the focused ones in the class, but I do have my own style of giving attention to the lecture. I listen to every words and I participate in our many group work. But let’s face it, not even 60% of the class is as attentive as the 40%.

The question we would need to ask is... why?

From my own personal, might-be-a-little-one-dimensional view, I think it has many to do with the existence of technology in the class itself. An irony as that is exactly what we are trying to learn. Technology has a power over us. And in this aspect, I think it’s the power to distract that has been infected the students.

If you try to sneak behind the class, you will see on the glass of monitor in front of those 60% no.. 90% of the students is the face of – Friendster, Youtube, YM’s, Chats, Forums, Blogs and all those wonderfully entertaining amusement available so to us.

Now, I am not trying to blame the fact that the faculty had tried their best to give us all the best of facilities - all those computers to help with our studies and all. We needed them, especially for our subject as we need to use them all the time. I would like to blame our attitude instead.

We were pampered with scolding to focus our attentions, and so un-pampered with that much freedom and availability to technology as before. What I meant to say is that, we were never so used to having computers and internet in our lap when we are in classroom before. I would not call it as awe-struck or anything like that. We had had use that techno for as long as we had lived. But not in a classroom, where some (i beg your pardon) might find as a dreary place. We tend to succumb to the allure of technology, to make use of them to entertain us.

As a university undergraduates (the best in the country for that matter), we should have acted like one. Different from our college before, we can no longer depend on the lecturer to make us attentive. “Nobody cares for no one in universities” as what my sister always said. We need to look out for ourselves. If you don’t focus, you won’t be getting anything, and you are the one who loses. No one cares, but you should. What I’m trying to say is, we need to have the attitude where we should know to focus without being told to. To leave the distractions without being scold at. To participate without being forced to. I would like to blame it as this is our first time in university ground, and I hope that you might understand and would see us differently in coming semester. Time will teach us to be a better students. I cannot guarantee, but I can try.

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Take a break ^^ These are some of the funniest commercials I've ever watch!